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Olympus SZ-10 sample photos page 1

Onfotolife lets you check sample photos from lenses and cameras
ISO from:
3.9 / 5,00
( 9 votes)
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 253194611
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.6 Focal length:10 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/125
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 182444653
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/1000
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 249792487
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:200 Shutter speed:1/160
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 240312419
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/125
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 182444023
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.1 Focal length:5 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/20
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 248222895
Olympus SZ-10 Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 12 mm f/2 ED F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/160
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 183069391
Olympus SZ-10 - F/10.9 Focal length:10 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/500
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 253431915
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:200 Shutter speed:1/80
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 242563385
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.1 Focal length:60 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/250
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 257708951
Olympus SZ-10 Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 12-50 mm f/3.5-6.3 ED EZ F/4.4 Focal length:90 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/1250
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 111184339
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.8 Focal length:12 ISO:200 Shutter speed:1/20
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 197944359
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.5 Focal length:8 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/320
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 248371739
Olympus SZ-10 - F/2.2 Focal length:4 ISO:640 Shutter speed:1/20
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 163435637
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.1 Focal length:60 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/1600
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 181829781
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/160
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 253239879
Olympus SZ-10 - F/2.4 Focal length:4 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/50
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 249790347
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/25
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 202112139
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.2 Focal length:25 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/640
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 168758305
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.2 Focal length:32 ISO:160 Shutter speed:1/80
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 276633169
Olympus SZ-10 - F/9.3 Focal length:5 ISO:640 Shutter speed:1/320
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 231411215
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.7 Focal length:11 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/250
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 222868707
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.4 Focal length:90 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/250
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 193772797
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.2 Focal length:79 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/320
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 228049845
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.3 Focal length:7 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/200
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 210301125
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4.2 Focal length:25 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/1000
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 207158015
Olympus SZ-10 - F/10.9 Focal length:10 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/400
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 253291127
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.5 Focal length:15 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/125
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 158792663
Olympus SZ-10 - F/4 Focal length:16 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/1000
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 178226475
Olympus SZ-10 - F/3.1 Focal length:5 ISO:100 Shutter speed:1/250
Olympus SZ-10 sample photo 450px 220703519
Olympus SZ-10 - F/12.6 Focal length:40 ISO:64 Shutter speed:1/200
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